The Aeonic Athenaeum

The Cosmic Library of Galactic Awareness

About this Library:

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Cosmic Library of Galactic Awareness

Racing through the Xypaetia Cluster, is an unlikely juxtaposition of calm within chaos. The Aeonic Athenaeum rests at the apex of an asteroid, which is hurling through space at many measures per second. A puzzle in itself, most wonder why it was chosen to house such a beautiful, and organically sensitive microclimate for this centre of wisdom. What few have been told is that the unique trajectory of this terraformed rock has one of the most stable orbital patterns in its galaxy. It was created by a species of humanoid beings who integrate living trees as part of their architectural process. The philosophy goes, that if one learns within an environment that harmonizes with the patterns of natural growth: the knowledge, and indeed the depth of the student’s understanding, will be wide and deep. Surrounded by a small moat, it presents a symbolic ‘bridging of the gap’ for visitors seeking knowledge from the many points on the Goddess Grid. A retired fishing boat brings guests back and forth across the channel, further reinforcing the analogy.

With many layers and segments, this tree of knowledge provides the most comfortable, and stately of spaces for visitors to curl up into, as they open their minds. From scientific materials, to high fantasy, it is a robust resource of analog information, and, a keeper of many ancient texts and records, dating back millions of years. Distinguished members, feature their own literary works in some reserved bookshelves, which are conspicuously placed near the ‘Encyclopedia Futura’ collection. While some speculate as to their legitimacy, the societies that contribute to this temporal collection, do, quite literally, exist outside of common physical timelines. Furthermore, some shelves appear to be empty, when in fact they are visible exclusively to beings who occupy specific dimensional frequencies. This library is a congregation of knowledge and wisdom-seekers, who are often occupying the same space in tandem, without being aware of it. The more quiet, and reclusive members appreciate this, since they seldom feel the need to leave the space for more privacy.

The Botanical Terrace

The rear of the structure (see gallery) introduces larger, organically shaped windows, offering a more expansive, and elevated view of the lush foliage, and the misty waterway. It’s a rich environment with diverse plant life; yet, if one were to blaze a trail for any more than 3 km in any direction, they would find that it tapers off rather quickly. The terraforming process was introduced exclusively to this segment of rock, to house the library itself. The library was built as part of the giant tree which was nursed to adulthood over a series of years by a resident botanist, who remains on the grounds as caretaker, to this day. While the amenities are minimal, patrons look forward to visiting the upper level tea house and café. Many, scurry up quietly, to steal an exquisitely crafted beverage, or an indulgent pastry that is sure to enhance the cognitive, and emotional faculties for the best possible reading experience.

Xypaetia’s Confectionary

There are many, who frequent the Athenaeum, who claim to have a distinguished palette. Whether true or not, those very types have been surprised, and delighted, at the discovery of the upstairs nook in the East wing. If you manage to catch it in its sporadic hours of operation, you will meet its owner “Chezniukunik" (named Chazzie by friends). A short, stocky fellow, with a balding head, and a broad and warming smile; he seems to have figured out something about life that others have yet to grasp.

Chazzie travels to planets far and wide, gathering an ongoing assortment of plants related to the cacao family. Taking it upon himself to hand-grind and process the beans, he returns to his Athenaeum cafe to conjure the richest, smoothest, and creamiest beverages known to the Weave. Many report transcendental psychological experiences when consuming these tiny cups of wonder. Even children, can delight in this delicacy, as it presents no harm to the physique of most creatures: quite the contrary, in fact. Included with his sublime offerings, Chazzie is always keen to offer a side of his astute knowledge, and compelling stories about his adventures, and the mystique surrounding his craft. As such, loyal patrons remain well-informed, always looking forward to the next installment of chocolatey decorum.

While he appreciates the sentiment, when his customers often insist he change the little cafe’s name to their beloved “Chazzie’s”, he remains committed to its true and original title. He explains that it was named in homage to the Goddess ‘Zeepatchia’ (better known as Xypaetia), who opened him to many (if not most) of his meaningful understandings in life.

Xypaetia’s Confectionary (see below) is one of many examples of how both the body, and mind can relish in the nourishing delights of this Cosmic Library of Galactic Awareness. You too, are invited to nourish, and refine your faculties by visiting the Aeonic Athenaeum Bookshelf.

Xypaetia's Confectionary - Chazzie