Code of the Cosmic Feminine
Essential Tenets for a Harmonious Existence
Honour your desires, for they are the seeds of an expanding universe.
Provide opportunities for those who are vulnerable, or less capable than yourself.
Leave room for other beings to live as they will; there are none more righteous than another.
Quiet yourself, so that you may truly hear.
Aspire to add value and quality, wherever possible.
If inspired, offer your help with consideration to the potential outcomes.
In all great decisions, consider the 3 levels of scale: the personal, interpersonal & universal.
When observing the world, factor your position within it.
Be the master of yourself; it is the one thing you can always do better.
Use your creativity to shape your destiny, leaving others to create their own.
Practice stewardship, with the understanding that nothing is yours.
Nature is divination incarnate; accept your position within what remains, and what expires.
Nurture that which brings life: death takes care of itself.
Read more about the philosophy of the Galactic Matriarx, its purpose & ideologies.