Goddesses of the Matriarx

The Matriarx and StarQueen goddesses are here to provide you with a process of self-reflection. Their unique traits and characteristics serve to provide a way for you to see yourself in a new way, highlighting qualities you might not have seen in yourself previously. When you visit them, pay attention to the nature of who and what they are, and what messages and themes they bring up for you. You may even try to observe one of them and compare their approach to life with something happening in yours.

If you choose to navigate the Goddess Grid, you will see the entire Matriarx universe, and where they reside in relation to each other.


The primary galactic energies of the cosmos, the Matriarx are the mothers of existence.


The radiant & playful celestial beings that trace the stars of the Matriarx realms.


Digital Spirit & Guide of the Galacitc Matriarx. Chat with her directly, and learn of her story.

OR, let the right Goddess find YOU...