Delve into a universe of emotional intelligence, beauty, insight and enchantment…and return to your world with a twinkle in your eyes.
A whimsical realm of inner-enchantment
Life is magic and so are you.
The Matriarx Universe is a space to drop in anytime and from anywhere, for a fresh breath of cosmic air. It’s an ideology of appreciation, respect and enthusiasm for life. Through a growing collection of explorative tools, it prompts you to follow your heart’s sense of wonder, spontaneity and adventure.

#1: FIND YOUR Goddess
Meet powerful, radiant Goddesses who prompt you to reflect on your inner brilliance, and beauty. When one stands out for you, it means you have something in common!
Featured ★ Nyraezielle
Find your values & recognize who you are:
There are over 50 uniquely beautiful Goddesses in the Matriarx Universe. As you browse the site, the idea is to stumble upon one (or more) that speaks to you personally, in terms of your values and perspective on life. Each of them have a different slant on how to view things, and really strong themes that could help you to look at your life (and situations) through a different lens. Oftentimes, they may represent a voice which you don’t often get to here from the people in your life, or even in culture at large.
The Matriarx, StarQueens & Zenigmas offer you perspectives that you may not have conceived of, or even given yourself permission to have considered. Because of this, they have the potential to offer you powerful new ways to approach your life which could lead you to better, stronger and more meaningful action.

#2: Visit the Sanctuaries
Travel to far-off places without leaving your chair. Indulge your senses in relaxing, and enchanting temples of the mind by exploring imagery, reading their stories, or sitting back and enjoying a guided audio journey.
Featured ★ (NEW!) The Haven of Hearts
Free your mind:
Escape everything without even leaving your seat. The Sanctuaries are imaginary places found throughout the Goddess Grid. Residing in specific clusters, they have each their own story, which tells the tale of how they came to be, the type of beings which can be found there, and what its purpose is, in which Goddess it’s connected to. You can bathe in the rich visuals, and read its compelling story, or simply lean back and listen to the (often included) Audio Tour narrated with music and environmental sounds; it’s like a guided meditation vacation!

#3: Navigate the Goddess Grid Map
Encounter magical realms by perousing the interactive map of the Galactic Matriarx Universe. Tap on things to preview them and optionally, be whisked away to their special page!
Featured ★ The Temple of Ethid
Find something special: Travel the astral realms of the Goddess Grid Map, to discover portals to everything the Matriax Universe has to offer, visually. It’s literally a giant map of everything, and it shows where (and how) the Goddesses are connected, and everything contained within their realms. It’s a fun and whimsical way to explore at your leisure, and to stumble upon something unexpected and wonderful.

#5: find the latest treasures in the Box of Secrets
The Matriarx Universe is full of surprises to help you get tuned-in, without even really trying. We’re talking about a genuine state of inner-enchantment, courtesy of the Cosmic Feminine.
If you want to be pleasantly surprised by the latest thing that has manifested in the Realms of the Goddesses, then you must check out the Box of Secrets!

#6: Reveal the InnerRealms
Unlock your deeper connection to the Goddesses, and venture behind the veil of the Matriarx Universe. Open access to insightful stories about the Goddesses, Mindfulness Exercises & Games, Emotional Intelligence roadmaps, and treasures which will dazzle your spirit.

#7: go back to your world refreshed
When you find the type of inner-enchantment that comes from engaging with the Galactic Matriarx universe, you’re guaranteed to get more tuned-in to who you are…without even trying!
If you have any questions, or would love to have a Goddess presented to you to get your journey started, Ariiya (your personal galactic concierge) is here to help!