Ideology & Principles

Values for the Future of Humanity

Your Inner-Light, Reflected by the Cosmic Feminine

The Galactic Matriarx are here to shine a spotlight on who you are, and what you value most. Each has beautiful, charming, and powerful characteristics. Like a mirror, they can help you to see your brightest and best inner-qualities, and ideals. Life offers a mixture of ebbs and flows, but knowing who you are and what you value can shape it into a more consistent, fulfilling, and satisfying experience. And, with an authentic sense of confidence, you can make clearer, and more meaningful decisions. In this magical sky, you will find beings, and places simply by indulging your curiosity, and taking the time to study the ones that stand out for you the most.

Self-Illuminating Universe

The Matriarx are majestic, elemental beings that create their own reality. The StarQueens are constellations born within the galactic realms of their Matriarx mothers, uniquely expressing aspects of their energies. Both the Matriarx mothers and their StarQueen daughters embody different styles of power and beauty. They invite you to recognize what traits you have in common with them.

In this expanding universe, new Matriarx and StarQueen goddesses are born as time passes. Each, connected through the cosmic landscape of the Goddess Grid Map, which you can explore at There, you can decipher their physical locations in relation to each other. It will become apparent where each StarQueen lives as you observe the beauty of each Matriarx mother’s colourful celestial nebula.

Each goddess offers a unique experience of her essence, helping you to better understand what she is about. If you feel a special connection to one of them, take notice; she is reflecting something about you! This website allows you to engage and indulge in a progressively rich experience, where visual beauty, written word, music, and playful meditations open you up to a positive experience of satisfaction, and self-assuredness.

Supporting Ideology

If you feel that the feminine perspective of life has been under-represented in the world for a long time, you are not alone. Historically, our social structures, major religions, and institutions have strongly emphasized masculine figures. This has affected many areas of civilized society. In modern culture, the intuitive, feeling-based wisdom of women has found expression in some ways. However, it has been largely subverted by the representations of man’s analytical style of reasoning. This patriarchal form of governance influences how we make decisions, judge situations and view ourselves. Though much of what we enjoy in the modern world today is owed to its genius, there looms a quiet, pernicious truth; relying on it exclusively pigeonholes us into a linear style of thinking that limits personal experience, and promotes a superficial definition of value and accomplishment.

The Galactic Matriarx embraces this situation gracefully, and offers a bit of a course correction: to focus on nurturing the individual, by going inward. It encourages richer states of self-love, and appreciation of life. Because, when we feel strong, supported and self-assured, it puts us in a great position to contribute to, and benefit from life in new and fulfilling ways. To help us along this path, nature has provided us with forms that soothe and align the human body and mind; just consider the radiant figure and essence of Woman. The visuals, ideas, and literature of the Matriarx goddesses offer powerful, soothing, invigorating and inspiring, messages for everyone. These avatars call upon each of us to embody the best of whom, and what, we are.

In terms of our modern world of technological and social wonders, we face challenges, but also great potential. The Matriarx has a galactic focus, encouraging us to expand and mature, bringing balance to our masculine style of material progress, with a feminine touch. When we look to the stars, we open to a sense of possibility and responsibility, giving us context for our place in the universe. It also helps us to heal our relationship with the maternal, and heavenly body of Earth, and prepares us for greater endeavours. The Galactic Matriarx invites you to joyfully explore the full breadth of your potential, and to shine it like a star into the expanse of the universe.

Guiding Principles

  • Responsible Development

    Technology doesn't need to run away on us, force us to catch up with it, or negatively alter our behaviour. In most cases, it should be the opposite. As we discover new capabilities, we can position ourselves to be proactive about our choices in what to develop and how we do it. Imagine if we had an idea of what it means to be human in the first place, and what we feel constitutes a high-quality experience of life. Knowing this, we can make choices that are in alignment with who we are as individuals, and as a collective. This helps us make a culture that is both exciting and fulfilling for everyone.

  • Tech as a Mindfulness Tool

    Many of us feel that technology, especially digital technology and the internet, has elicited addictive, and compulsive behaviours from people in general. It is undoubtedly true. Despite their genial contributions to society, many big tech developers have taken advantage of human weakness and exploited it for monetary gain. Users, however, overlook the individual votes they cast through their use of it. Consider, instead, that these technologies can help our development and life satisfaction at large by simply being aware of why and how we use them. Engaging in deliberate use of tools like social media can inspire and empower us to alter the course of its direction, guiding their development in ways that ultimately benefit us. Instead of trying to control a bad habit, we just get rid of it completely by choosing when and how to use these tools, and demanding meaningful growth.

  • Multi-Planetary Consciousness

    Regardless of whether we intend to encounter extraterrestrial life, it is evident that we are on the path towards becoming a space-exploring, multi planetary, species. If we are to make it that far, however, we will need to update some of the ways we think and get along as a planetary culture. To inspire individuals into a mindset of possibility, the Galactic Matriarx goddesses ground them in values that feel stabilizing and reassuring. It is only with a strong foundation that humanity can move forward and overcome its primal fears.

  • Feminine Sexual Power

    The reverence and adoration of feminine sexual expression is as ancient as life itself. Twisted by modern patriarchal trappings, it appears as being frivolous in nature, and derogatory in many respects. The Galactic Matriarx ideology attempts to bring the primal, creative and inspirational power of the Feminine back into frame. Genuine masculine power is corrupted and stifled when it attempts to push away or control the feminine sexual force. This is because, when it is unbridled and free-flowing, her influence creates a powerful and visceral response in the masculine individual. It can be terrifying for one who isn’t clear and ready to receive her gifts with grace and appreciation. The masculine must, therefore, give way to her eternal dance, making space for the fullness of her energy. The StarQueens symbolize the fearless and open expression of this feminine power. They celebrate the woman’s natural and raw exuberance, a microcosmic expression of life, love, and creation itself.

  • Eco Feminism & The Divine Feminine

    Culturally, as a whole, the feminine representation in belief systems has often been duped and betrayed by masculine representations. Many would agree that our attitude toward the world, people, and Mother Nature has been less than savoury due to this. The Matriarx aims to help us balance our feelings of progress and achievement with a more nurturing orientation to self, others, and the universe. Think of the idea of gentle encouragement instead of coercion. Early Childhood Education principles say that positive reinforcement is far more effective at developing human consciousness. The Feminine Deity promotes an ideal of a strong, nuanced approach to conscious evolution.

  • Collective Belief Structures

    Human cooperation depends on shared ideas, values, and beliefs. An idea that is accepted and practised is ultimately enacted in the outer world. Many suggest that the belief in an idea or a deity, for example, actually creates them; a Goddess of a particular theme imagined, and thought upon can become its own independent entity that others can tap into. Individuals can then access that form or essence to help them tune into that particular type of energy. Like a radio tower transmitting its frequency, it's a powerful portal to access compatible energies of that embodiment. True or not, the ideas we practice, share and cherish are a crucial to proactively shaping the reality we live in. The Galactic Matriarx invests in the idea that the goddesses and their universe are not only a powerful tool for contemplation, but may, in fact, be living, evolving entities.

  • Spirituality, Religion, and Myth: Tools for Deliberate Self-Actualization

    Spiritual beliefs, religions, and mythologies are important to some people, yet not to others. However, the values and stories that communicate them are essential to all. Strong representations of these ideas can assist us on many levels: they can help us to communicate, and use them to call upon our innate virtues, and rally us to decisive action. Moreover, they can offer us a perspective of our place in the cosmos at large, which influences how we behave in it. Ancient cultures developed strong belief structures which guided the ways they harmonized as a group and with their environment. Processes such as Animism, for example, personified the natural world, giving it a more relatable human context. These psychological frameworks can provide us with strong reference points. A deity that symbolizes a set of virtues or traits, such as a Matriarx goddess or an astrological sign for example, allows us to ‘try on’ a perspective and to see what fits. By relating to this outside representation, we can view our concepts, beliefs and personal traits with a bit of objectivity. It also enables us to assess whether they truly feel relevant to us, allowing us to lean further into the ones that resonate. It is of no consequence whether these models are real or imagined; if they aid in enhancing our self-awareness, it results in a tangible shift in our inner inspirations and outer world behaviours and actions.

  • The Evolving Values and Content of The Galactic Matriarx

    Like software in a computer, we, as humans, must keep up with our current circumstances by evolving our thoughts, opinions, and beliefs as we go along. This is why adhering to traditional belief models may fail us; the challenges we face today would have seemed beyond the realm of possibility for a culture from just a few hundred years ago. As such, we must constantly update our models of thinking. Keeping in step with this, the Galactic Matriarx universe is constantly evolving and expanding its scope. It seeks to stay relevant in its function of helping individuals perceive their brightest and best qualities. Fostering appreciation for life, individuals, creativity, and creation itself is central to the Matriarx ideal.