Department of Future Gratitude
t = as little as 30 seconds
StarQueen Phoebe’s process of appreciating yourself right into the place you want to be.
Often, we wait for fortune to favour us before allowing ourselves to feel a sense of accomplishment, or relief from a challenge. It is possible however, to bring the benefit of positive psychology to where you stand right now. It involves simply, taking a moment to walk into the place you WANT to be in, right now, and having a look around.

How to Do it
Choose your topic
Consider the situation you’d like to find yourself in at this moment. It could be a position of greater wealth, or the accomplishment of your studies, all the way to an improvement in a relationship.
Imagine the improved state
Imagine how it would feel to be standing there, right now and observe what it is you appreciate, and feel glad about as you observe what its like to already be there.
Make note of the benefits, and feel them
In your mind (or on paper), make list of all the nice things you are noticing about where you stand in this successful place you are imagining. Most importantly, recognize how it feels to be there. Observe one or more of the resulting benefits, and soak up the feelings of those benefits as you allows your body chemistry to change with those feelings.Why it works:
The idea of this Attunement, is to take an extra step beyond ordinary visualization, by skipping the resistance involved in ‘pretending’ you’re there. This helps decouple you from any current negative/defeating feelings you are associating with. It allows your mind to forget about the ‘untrueness’ of it, by indulging in the feelings connected with your success. This opens up your mind to feelings, and convictions that will help you tune into the mindset needed to find the solutions, and resolution you wish to be living now. In other words, it’s a way to help you focus with less of the distraction and hesitation that you might otherwise be experiencing.