Goddess Frequency Tuner

Move the slider back and forth to ‘tune in’ to, and discover a Goddess that you resonate with. The slower you move it, the more you will discover! The colour, sound and energy readouts below can help you understand how she harmonizes with the physical universe. It may help you further, to hum along with her tone to see how it resonates with you.

For mobile, the sound begins muted: tap on the slider handle once before dragging, to enable. When you see a Goddess you resonate with, click on her name or photo to visit her page. Read about the science here!

Goddess Image 1 Goddess Image 2 Click/tap & drag the handle to tune into a Goddess.

TAP TWICE & drag to engage audio on your phone.

f 550THz · λ 554nm · γ 2.28eV · -40.85Octv