Virtue Constellation Meditation Still Frame.jpg

Virtue Constellation

5 quick steps to a meaningful state of focus.
Grid: B29 Adamentia Cluster

It’s important to recognize your best traits and the qualities that matter to you most. The Virtue Constellation Meditation is a process that helps you to slow down and recognize the sometimes subtle, yet highly valuable aspects of who you are. As you do this exercise, slow down, and relax into a calm and easy state as you collect 7 virtues through a handful of delightfully creative games. The result will give you a unique illustration that outlines a visual reminder of words you have identified as meaningful. At each step, make sure to take note of the virtues you have chosen. In the final step, you will type or paste your 7 words into the Constellation Creator!

Note Maker: Meditation, Galactic Matriarx Self-Love Goddess Ideology

Use pen & paper, your fave notes app OR simply use the Matriarx Note Maker widget by clicking the pen icon at any time!