
Exploring your Alignments can help you easily point out which Goddess’ Realm you most identify with. By taking notice of her life themes, it can be come a great starting point for exploration of the ones happening in your life right now. For some, it’s a way to find the Realm in which they choose to dwell.


Below are the signets which demonstrate each of the 3 life themes embodied by that particular Matriarx Goddess. Each of the 3 coloured “Elemental Arcs” seen in her signet has a meaning, and is described from left to right underneath: Upper Equilateral Arc, Left & Right Peripheral Arcs.

Tap a Goddess to visit her Realm


Each StarQueen Goddess inherits the elemental life themes from her Matriarx Mother, and expresses them uniquely through her personality. Below, each of their signets are shown; with a single colour band signifying her “Goddess Vibe”.

Tap to visit her constellation


The Zenimga Goddess have unusual patterns for their signets. As a result, each has its own interpretation. Some have a single life theme, while others similar to Matriarx Goddesses.

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