


Behind the inner-workings of the Goddess Grid, is an unseen influence that even the wisest of the Matriarx Mothers often miss: a powerful, unignorable force of reckoning. Maxtroleous, has been equally loved, hated, revered and despised by all beings at one time or another. Known as the one that challenges even the Aeonic mothers themselves, this Goddess of the flip side holds rare wisdom that, some feel, is the very linchpin of the unseen universe. No one is clear as to where, and how she came to be, however, one thing is for certain: her presence can be felt anywhere, at any time, and quite unexpectedly.

Mistress of Veiled Truths

The Dark Matière [pron. ‘Matt-ee-air’], over which she presides, is like a window through a one-way mirror that peers into the Goddess Grid. Through it, she can see and influence, undetected, as she draws individuals to look back at their reflection. Because of this, she holds the key to what some consider to be the greatest power of all: the ability to know your dark side. Maxtraleous sees the hidden reasons, and motivations behind the thoughts and actions of all beings. Just as easily as you might see the sun rise, she can see the true factors behind anyone’s motives and desires, including those of the Matriarx & StarQueens. As such, no one is safe from her gaze. It’s for this reason that she is a power both to fear, and to respect.

Because of her very nature, she has been the subject of much controversy amidst her Goddess sisters. Often, their very sense of authority has been challenged, time after time, by this agent of unseen truths. As such, some have remained close to her, while others have tried to keep a bit of distance. It is her medicine, however, which has the ability to bring some of the most cathartic revelations for anyone who is brave enough to uncover what she reveals. Behind our personal alibis, justifications, and projections are the seeds of our true desires. If embraced, they can lead us to authentic, powerful personal transformation. It offers the potential to shape us into the person we need to be to experience the greater levels of meaning, and satisfaction we are looking for. Her wisdom tells us that, a desire we might consider to be ‘dark’ or ‘negative’ exists, in reality, as an inspirational force. This force holds a massive energy, which (if channelled into its healthy opposite), can help us move our deepest desires to the light; in so doing, it enables us to experience the satisfaction of truly expressing who we are in the real world.

A “veiled truth” is a common term used by dwellers of the Goddess Grid, when they are referring to the experience of these hidden influences on individuals (and Goddesses). Maxtroleous is ever-present, stoking the flame of these hidden forces, forever nudging (and sometimes pushing) us to lead better, more satisfying lives as we uncover our true nature. We need only turn around, and peer into the reflection that is offered to us.

Hidden Advantage

While severe at times, this Goddess of ultimate truth wants nothing more than for us to live our best life. She has taken it upon herself to create a tool which might help you to transmute these Dark Matière urges, thereby unlocking the beauty, transparency, and power of our true desires. She has been working in tandem with Glenora (aka Khodeces), to create a basic visual index. This is a guide which outlines examples of how a ‘negative’ feeling, can be used to pivot to what might be a positive desire you hold dear. Furthermore, Maxtroleous has identified the Deepest Desire of the individual StarQueen & Matriarx Goddesses to direct you to a Goddess who exemplifies this attribute.

Maxtroleous invites you to:

Stand in the truth of how you feel. Own it, and understand that your strong feelings possess medicine that is necessary, and healthy for your soul.

Look into the dark truths of your thoughts, consider their reason for manifesting in your awareness, and be ready to embrace them wholeheartedly - don’t alienate yourself!

Create space to process the urges, and sensations you feel that you may not yet understand. There is something great waiting, if you give it a chance to lead you there.

Recognize that others have their own veiled truths, which they too do not see at the moment. Give them space, and support (if you can) to discover and work through them.

Take pride in your wild feelings, and respect those of others. Each of us has powerful, motivating, and scary thoughts and urges that egg us on to greater experiences, and ultimately to become mature beings.


Peering into the Cosmic Mirror:
The Desire Index

While some Goddesses felt a bit shy about it: they have nonetheless agreed to share this somewhat sensitive information about themselves, since it is also their deepest desire to be of service to beings of all universes! Using the Desire Index, you can read through examples of how dark or ‘negative’ feelings can be strong hints to what your deepest desires may actually be!

The Desire Index

  1. Veiled Truth: On the left side of the list, scroll to the feeling that feels the negative or unsavoury feeling most accurate for you.

  2. Deep Desire: The arrow points to a suggested Deep Desire that might be the truth at play. (Hover/Tap for a detailed meaning of it.)

  3. Change Your Focus: Instead of dwelling on the Veiled Truth (Negative aspect), re-focus on your Deep Desire (Positive), actively nurture it.

  4. Find Inspiration: Visit the recommended Goddess who shares that Deep Desire with you; she can offer inspiration on how you might approach this!


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Disorientation Identity Arkaceous





Many more can be found in the full Desire Index which you can access as an InnerRealms subscriber!

This is an InnerRealms Feature!