Dimensional Doorway
A simple reality-altering meditative exercise.
t = ~ 5 mins
Parazneus offers a delightful incantation which you can use to bridge the gap between the life you’re currently living, and the one you may prefer. Though it might seem fantastical to consider such a thing to be easy: rest assured, it’s not complicated. Truthfully, the very same sequence of events in your day to come, could take you either to an unsatisfying result, or a great one. It’s a matter of how you position yourself within it: your attitude. But how to tune into the frequency that you want to vibe with, in a way that’s fast, convenient, and fun? That’s what the Dimensional Doorway is all about. Just follow the steps below:

The Process:
PREPARATION: Ideally, you can do this exercise in a seated, relaxed place. However, you can really do this anywhere, even in the grocery store lineup! This is something you can use to power-up and tune your frequency at any time. Ideally, you would do this at the beginning of your day, to truly set the tone before you engage with anything else.
THINK OF 3 WORDS: Take a moment to check in with how you’re feeling currently, and then think of 3 words (or any number you prefer) that feel like they would enhance, soothe or in any way compliment your current mood.
SPEAK, FEEL, REPEAT: Repeat each of the three words to yourself (for example, “ease, fun & love”). Whether it's said in your mind or out loud, the idea is to slow down and really feel into how each of these words affect your body, as you contemplate what they mean to you. What does it feel like, physically, when you say “ease” for example? Now, amplify its effect by really basking in the sensation you have upon saying the word. The combination of the words you have selected, represent a rich blend of sensations, which you have activated in your body using the power of your mind. Like a deliciously prepared tea, or cocktail, it will have a definitive, and tangible effect on you.
CHECK YOUR VIBE: As you repeat the words, notice how your demeanour, and physical sensations begin to adopt this chemistry as being part of your dominant general feeling state. After some repetition, take a moment to quiet yourself and take note of the resting state you are currently left with. You may find that the feeling is now strong enough to carry itself automatically in your body without further need to repeat the words. If you feel, it could be a bit stronger still, then continue repeating them until it feels sufficient, or if you simply feel done for now. Either way, the work is done.
YOU HAVE ARRIVED! You have successfully adjusted your dimensional frequency. Why dimensional? Because now that you have adjusted your base feeling state, you make yourself receptive to other types of stimulus, thoughts, and people who are looking to hook into that same state of being. This will lead you to an alternate path from the one you would have taken, had you not taken this moment to adjust. This way, you have stepped into the universe you want to be in right now, today. Though the changes may not be dramatic at the outset, this practice can incrementally change your direction, which down the road, could lead you to somewhere quite different. You might say you have jumped into an alternate dimension of your choosing!