[Ar-kay-shiss]: In constant study of who she is, this goddess of introspection and understanding views existence from the inside out; as she observes the ebbs, and flows of her eternal flame, she sees the arc of her unique story. By perceiving who, and what she is, she can witness the workings of the greater cosmos. Her secret, is to compare and correlate her inner nature with what is all around her. Through this process, she not only comes to know herself on a deeper level, but can also ascertain the truth of reality itself. Her story, as such, is not just a timeline…it’s an evolution — an identity formed by transformation and awareness. If Arkaceous has come to you this day, it’s time to look inward, to know yourself better. As you take time to observe your behaviours and tendencies, truths you never expected can emerge. You will come to understand, and appreciate who you are. Furthermore, you may grasp the meaning of your life in this universe.
More about Her:
Goddess Grid : J10
Family: Matriarx
StarQueen Daughters: On the Way
Gemstone: Azurite
Sanctuaries: Glenora’s Cabin
Age: ~21 Octillion Years
Frequency: ~448THz
Stories in Celestial Codex △ InnerRealms
Arkaceous invites you to:
Listen to the most subtle of truths in your being.
Pay attention to your feelings, and try to view them objectively.
Revel in the story of where you’ve been, and who you are now.
Know that what you feel, is also a reflection of other similar forces in the universe, and in other beings.
Understand that, as an individual, you have a unique story and perspective shared by no other in the universe.
When things seem uncertain, instead of looking oustide for facts, go inward and search for the truth you are feeling.