In a world that is ripe for change, only those brave enough to create will have a hand in determining its future. Those subscribed to this level of membership, want to interact with the Matriarx Universe in a comprehensive fashion, that enables not only further personal insight, but the tools to share it with others. Below are parameters set out for those who want to take their knowledge, and use it as an agent for inspiring transformation and growth in the world.
Mx Guides
Guidelines & Terms
The Role & Powers of a Matriarx (MX) Guide:
Regardless of any of the title(s) assigned to you by the Arkitect (Lucas Gaudette), your role is to represent the vision, and an attitude that exemplifies your enthusiasm and knowledge of the Galactic Matriarx content and ideology. Your passion, and ability to provide valuable services which can bring its wisdom to others, should be central to why you align yourself with it in this way.
The Galactic Matriarx approach to helping others is always, invariably, to empower the individual to find their own answers in life by prompting them to think outside their established context, and questioning the wonders that lay within their own spirit, and the world around them. As a Matriarx Guide, your role is to assist others by connecting, and helping them to understand (and benefit from) established Matriarx content and ideas; this serves to lift them from where they stand, to wherever it is they wish to be. In no situation should a representative of this ideology like you (or anyone) position yourself to hand out definitive advice, or answers to anyone. Your role is strictly to present, and beautify the wonder of possibility, and the spark of inspiration which gently nudges a seeker to what they wish to find in the real world, and in the life that lays ahead of them.
As member of this level, you understand that you are subscribing to a license which permits you to make respectful use of the content (and materials offered through your Portal), to create, share, and facilitate experiences for others, that will help them glean the most value they can from the MX universe, while providing you with opportunities to practice your crafts/passions in both personal and professional contexts. Doing so, requires that you demonstrate a clear understanding and alignment with the content you are planning to use in your processes & materials.
Imparting your unique flare in sharing this content, is an aspect of what makes it both fun, and innovative. As such, you are acting as a sort of ‘concierge’ for its contents and tenets. It’s important to note the employment of Matriarx branded and sanctioned materials is NOT a right, but a privilege which is extended through your subscription to the MX Guides Subscription, with respect to the rules listed below:
Approved Experiences & Materials:
Authentication: As an MX Guide, you must understand that your primary intent is to use the Matriarx as a vehicle to bring positive experiences to others, through the lens of the Cosmic Feminine (the ideas and principles outlined in Matriarx materials). Before sharing and conducting an experience you have devised, it must first be presented to, and approved by the Arxitect (Lucas Gaudette) before proceeding. This includes all marketing materials to be used online or offline.
Conditions: You accept that it’s possible your ideas may not be in alignment with the greater vision and direction of the Matriarx Universe, and you must accept it as such, along with any requests to adjust or omit an aspect of your proposal. Following a situation where you may choose to go your own way with an idea, you would be free to do so provided you would NOT be referencing the Matriarx materials, nor would you be claiming to represent it.Creating Experiences:
Any guided process, course, workshops and instructional materials design must be approved by the Arkitect before its dissemination. The Matriarx Medium (you) acts as a conduit through which the content can reach, and help others. The method, and personal style through which you share this content is fairly open, with the following caveat:
> When the Matriarx content is presented and referred to in terms of its philosophical, technical, or artistic nature, it must remain true (cannon) to the source material. Deviations, variations, ‘inspired by’, and blended content is not permitted in the context of a Galactic Matriarx experience.Using Galactic Matriarx Content:
As a practitioner, the Matriarx content (website, and other published works) should be referenced, and revealed as established material, to be drawn upon for processes that relate directly to its tenets & concepts. Creative interpretations, derivitive content creation are not permitted without expressed permission from the Arkitect (Lucas Gaudette).Self-Expression:
The Galactic Matriarx exists to encourage each person involved (including Mediums) to find their own self-expression. Mediums and participants alike can find their own expressions, and creations within the context of a Matriarx exploration. There must simply be a clear distinction (and reference) made to the Matriarx source material, and the experience at hand.Your Member StarStamp & Assigned Title:
StarStamp (Nickname): You may address yourself as, and make use of, your StarStamp (God/Goddess name) in context of the services/materials you offer.
Your Title: An interview will be conducted at the outset of your activities to clarify the ways in which you want to contribute to the Matriarx ethos, at which point you will be assigned a title such as ‘Attunement Ambassador’, which you can include as a credential in your promotional materials, etc. Please do not assign yourself a title, this needs to be done with myself (Lucas Gaudette - the Arkitect).Dues and fees:
The MX Guides subscription status must be held up-to-date and in good standing for the continued permission to use its source materials for the above purposes. Arrangements made for commissions, remittance, etc must be honoured in addition to the basic membership fee.License of Use:
You understand, and acknowledge that the above stated privileges may be revoked at any time and without justification. If the ways in which you are acting, or enacting in context of the Galactic Matriarx content is deemed to be incompatible with the values and appropriate use parameters outlined (or otherwise undisclosed) by its creator, Lucas Gaudette.
Updated 2024.09.08This documentation will be updated from time-to-time, please refer back for current information and rules. The Galactic Matriarx / Lucas Gaudette reserves the right to change these terms at any time. Failure to comply may result in loss of priviledges and/or membership.
The Galactic Matriarx content in its entirety is protected by Copyright law. When in doubt, contact the Lucas Gaudette.
Below are examples of potential roles (with assigned titles) which would be issued by the Arkitect of the Matriarx, Lucas Gaudette. These titles would be assigned following an agreement relating to your efforts to promote the Galactic Matriarx through your creative channels. How each of them bring the Cosmic Feminine to light is highlighted in its name, in a way that is not self-agrandizing, but rather descriptive and inspirational for others to recognize the value and meaning they represent.
Matriarx Guide
A person who takes it upon themselves to show people around the Matriarx Universe, pointing out various elements, they may correlate them to themes by creating guided workshops and tours which make use of, and showcase the Matriarx universe & ideology with fidelity and depth.
Matriarx Medium
Those who want to use the Matriarx content as a platform to assist others through councelling/advisory/consultant roles. This may include those using official MX materials for things such as oracle readings, on or offline, whether it’s done for an audience, or directly for a client.
Celestial Scholars
An individual who has become deeply versed in a particular aspect of the Matriarx Universe such as the interpretation of the Matroglyphs. This person helps others with a deeper understanding of its contents, and underlying themes through social channels, and in-person lectures, experiential workshops, etc. (example: ‘Matroglyph Scholar’).
Embodiment Coaches
These individuals focus on the practice of embodying traits, qualities, and themes of specific Goddesses from the Matriarx realms. The goal is to help Seekers to more fully integrate the concepts and reflections they glean from the their favourite (or a seleced) Goddess, in the real world of their life.
Cosmic Consultants
This person is keenly focused on teaching the implementation of a particular set of Matrirax concepts, values or story themes to real-world scenarios, through the lens of achieve certain goals, whether professionally, or for personal health, etc. An example of this would be an INUXIOS Consultant: a person who specicializes in using the mind/body connection charts of Siellinux, their Seeker(s) to achieve greater levels of physical health.
These individuals practice the performing aspect of relating stories from the Cosmic Weave (whether it’s from the Celestial Codex or other areas of the MX Universe), whether live, in person or in a recorded production.
Attunement Ambassador
Someone who helps others in the various practices and processes offered by the Goddesses in the MX universe. This individual specializes in leading people through exercises in an experiential way.
Space Holders
Individuals who, either directly or indirectly contribute to provide more space and infrastructure for the continued existings of the Matriarx content and outreach. This may include donors, property holders, investors, public figures in support of the Matriarx, and others.