The Matriarx & its Creator
Welcome to my corner of the Universe…
The Galactic Matriarx is an ongoing, live publication, that stems from a conviction I have that there is almost infinite richness available in a life that’s been well looked at. I use these mediums (and others) to express my ideas and perspectives on life, and the human experience in a developed, yet digestible format.
Why and How?
The content of this website, and my offline publications, is the result of a huge amount of time, focus, and transformation resulting from real life experiences. An insane number of hours has gone into conceptualizing and creating a platform for these ideas: the ideology and mechanics of this mythology, creating images, writing out ideas using prose, story, diagrams, editing audio and videos, web & game development, offline publishing, and designing a cohesive concept from which to draw further depth.
It started with a handful of illustrations, for which I wrote accompanying meanings, and sold them as prints at a local market. They evoked conversations that were meaningful to my customers, and I. I thought I ought to post them on my website to share, and display for ordering purposes. And then, it blew up, as I realized there was more I wanted to share: much more.
Over 3000 hours in, it’s taken on a life of its own: and keeps going. It has surprised me more than a handful of times as it seems to keep on growing both in size, and scope. What I know, is this: I started by creating portrayals of what I decided to call the Cosmic Feminine, to help individuals connect their rational thoughts with their feelings, sparking emotional intelligence they may not have formerly possessed. This, in my view, is what’s needed to help humanity along as it moves at great speeds towards its potential future victories, or demise. With the ever-increasing curve of technological advances (among other things), it’s more important than ever for us to embody a mature, and well-developed mindset in all of our doings.
Strong Hearts, Strong Values
In shaping our global future, we require strong narratives that produce healthy results. These translate to values that help direct our attention to a future we actually want to live in. When we express ourselves authentically, everyone, and indeed the world/cosmos at large, benefits from our expressions of humanity. Therefore, our creative energies, (including the expansion of technologies), need to be coupled with equally potent ideas and a healthy prioritization of our evolving human needs. The Galactic Matriarx is a reflection of my intent to help foster a balanced, self-loving and appreciative orientation to life, humanity, the world, and the universe at large.
My Artistic Process & The Feminine Aspect
Throughout history, the image of the feminine has served as a soothing, yet provocative avenue for catharsis. My practice of studying and drawing feminine portrayals, has been an ongoing art practice since I was a teenager. It’s an expression of what I see in the world, when I feel through to the more subtle layers of beauty. The interpretation of the Feminine as a concept, however, goes beyond the obvious; our orientation to this subject, as culture, extends to the very fabric of how we perceive our role in the Universe. For myself, this practice has proven to be a powerful conduit to explore my awareness, and that of others, and it’s centric to the Matriarx ethos.
The Vehicles of Story
The power of story to the human mind, is undeniable; it’s this, in part, that has caused me to really focus on the writing aspect of my work. For those who are curious, I have a rule about not using AI when it comes to my writing. This is because I feel it’s the part where the raw translation of the Matriarx message is delivered, and must be done with accuracy, and straight-from-the-heart fidelity. I use visuals, sound and other mediums to further flesh out, and accompany this landscape. I employ various modalities to create my imagery, from traditional pencil drawing and painting to the latest tech mediums such as digital brushing & editing, photography, and AI (See Portfolio). As a website developer, I use my skills to create a unique and special experience for my visitors.
The music tracks (featured as Goddess themes, and often in the background of my audio tours) are created by my father, who is personified as Maestro Z in the Sonoric Sanctum.
I hope that the Galactic Matriarx meets you in a way that is meaningful, and transformative in the best of fashions.
Lucas Gaudette