”I like to do things on porpoise.” ~ Penelope
[Pen-elle-oh-pee]: When she’s out for adventure, anything can happen. With an eternal sense of anticipation, and an openness to allow life to take her up and down for thrills and spills, Penelope is ready for it all. It’s common to see this StarQueen accompanied by friends along for the ride as she whimsically delves with complete trust into what life has to offer. Come what may, she approaches situations with a can-do attitude, bringing her the fortitude to handle even the hardest of circumstances, leaping with grace and ease that is puzzling to most who would measure her by regular standards. If Penelope is beckoning to you, it’s because she knows you have what it takes to let go, trust and allow life to sweep you off your feet into the depths of joy.
Goddess Grid: J1
Family: StarQueens
Daughter of: Algeah
Sisters: Trinity
Masteress of: Riding the Wave
Goddess Vibe: Open & Enthusiastic
Wavelength ~584nm ⬤ Seagarden Green
Penelope invites you to:
Trust your ability to receive the benefits life can bring you.
Know that adventure awaits in the simplest of activities.
Appreciate the ups and downs of life, because they provide a platform for new experiences.
Include friends you love in your activities to compound the enjoyment factor!
Be fully absorbed in what you’re doing.
Say ‘yes’ when you normally wouldn’t.