Sonoric Sanctum
Sonic Registry of Transcendental Waveforms
About this Sanctuary:
[So-no-rick Sank-tum]
Goddess Grid: C10 (Sonarayas)
Location: Dwarf Palladium Sphere Z183
Songs: Sonoric Sanctum Studio
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Sonic Registry of Transcendental Waveforms
For most physical beings, the spirit is housed by a body, and a thinking mind. Within these trappings, one prevailing force governs all: the event of sound. This manifestation of vibration permeates all physical beings who dwell within atmospheres, and imbues any object that stands within its vicinity. At the heart of a galactic symphony within the Sonarayas Cluster, a dying star exerts a force of chaos that few have witnessed in person. A series of planets, asteroids and cosmic debris are drawn together in a powerful gravity well, superheating the atomic structure of everything therein. It is here, on a resilient part of this collected mass, that a small planet-shaped node composed of a conductive white metal maintains its shape. Upon it, rests the Sonoric Sanctum. This curved A-Frame structure, stands like an arrow head pointing its unrelenting, constant focus of truth into the cosmos. Known as the harmonic node of the universe, its structure (comprised of a nano-carbon matrix) can withstand the highest of heat thresholds, keeping a cool, and surprisingly quiet interior for all who visit. The doorway, doubles as a force field emitter, which further protects it from inbound rocks and particles which shower from the fiery heavens. The building is powered by collecting both geothermal energy, and harvesting the electric currents that occur when other metallic rocks strike the sphere’s conductive surface.
Maestro Z
It is a risky venture to make one's way to visit this temple of sonic bliss. But for many, the trip is worth its weight in gold. Inside, is the dwelling of the most well-known Maestro of the Goddess Grid. 'Z' (pronounced “Zed”), is the spitting image of the Wiseman archetype. Though, with a more pronounced facial structure, he exudes a somewhat intimidating combination of a warm, reassuring, and yet, disarming presence. Many feel that his mere gaze seems to break through any falsehoods held by those he faces, such that they are unable to hold up even the deepest of personal alibis. In concert with this notable characteristic, Z has mastered the art of music and sonics on a level that even experts often misunderstand. What is certain to everyone, however, are the healing effects of his creations on those who seek the 'sound' treatment he is known for. The journey to his domain is risky, and long. Many do it as a last-ditch effort in a healing crisis, only to find that it is, perhaps, where they should have gone in the first place. Well into his 200th year of age, Z has seen how the effects of sound can be used to deliberately alter, and 'tune' the corporeal form in sometimes otherworldly fashions.
The Healing Chambers
Within the catacombs of its massive architecture, lie a series of subterranean spaces designed to resonate, reflect, and amplify various sound frequency categories. Z, and his staff, work around the clock using synthesizers to create specialized waveforms to emit sonics that surround and project into the bodies of their patients. The treatments may last a few minutes, to several days of repeated exposure. Therefore, it is common for many to stay for weeks on end as they work through their various attunements. Some are there for physical ailments, while others come for the opportunity to tune into higher states of spiritual awareness. Z insists that the body is like a tuning fork; when it encounters the correct frequencies, it can begin to hum on its own, creating greater and greater resonance within the mind, body, and spirit.
The Auditorium
Since the outside environment is hostile for most, there is an emphasis on indoor activities. Guests enjoy chuckling over wisecracks made relating to the meteorological report as being, invariably, “meteors”. Z recognizes that this environment is not for everyone, and graciously welcomes his visitors to intimate concertos in his personal concert hall. It is a magnificent theater of visual and acoustic magnitude, which occupies most of the above-ground structure.
Though he is versed in many modalities and music instruments, the traditional pipe organ of Earth is his constant go-to. He has customized its spectrum of sound to include an array of hitherto unknown frequencies that have delighted individuals (and goddesses) throughout the Cosmic Weave. When listeners congregate to hear his latest compositions (and, of course, some classics), they often fall into complete silence until the entire suite is over. It becomes quickly obvious to newcomers that the optimal state to receive this vibrational experience is remaining in the most receptive state possible: keenly listening for any, and all, subtleties they may detect in the soundscape. Aficionados have learned to pay attention even more to the ways in which their bodies are responding to frequencies that even their ears may not be able to perceive.
The Sanctum Studio
Located in the rear wing of the structure is a cave-like space referred to by Z as “The Raven’s Eye”. The Sanctum Studio is designed to reflect both a sense of the analog, and of the digital. This is Z’s creation station; with myriad interfaces, and readouts, one might think of it more as a science lab, than an artist’s studio. It reflects his conviction that: to have a solid spiritual footing, one must keep a leg rooted in antiquity, as they stretch further into novelty. Ranging from ethereal ambience, to melodic meanderings, there is a certain authenticity to his ensembles, which few would deny. In fact, they are often dedicated to (and directly commissioned by) the Matriarx and StarQueen Goddesses themselves. Some do not believe that he has such close contact with them. What they are not aware of, however, is that his spiritual connection with the Goddess Sonarayas, offers him a direct line of dialogue with the cosmos through his interpretation, and use of the sonic technologies he wields. When it’s time to create, he will disappear to this cave, oftentimes for days on end, before he is seen again. The housekeeping staff have frequently commented that, after a long mixing session, he appears to emerge transfigured, in a fashion they cannot fully articulate. It is as though, through his exposure to the blends of frequencies and harmonics, he forges not only a musical masterpiece, but, a type of self-induced corporeal alchemy.
The Way of Z
Generally, he is content to remain in his domain, but does make occasional ventures out to neighbouring systems. He's been known to make appearances in educational, and scientific institutions. Occasionally, he will make an appearance in audiovisual productions created as inspirational content, for aspiring enthusiasts of the sonic arts.
While he has a calm composure, Z does enjoy a healthy dose of risk. It inspires his sense of aliveness and concept of truth, which fuels his capacity to lean bravely into the art of experimentation. When his domain is clear of visitors, he makes his way to a clifftop installation, which is his personal theater. Open to the surrounding chaos, he climbs the steps to a standing organ, with pipes that tower toward the fiery sky. There, he plays for hours on end, beaming his sonic intent into the cosmos. As the heavens delight in his singular, mortal statement of defiance, he celebrates existence. And, by utilizing the gifts bestowed upon him, he becomes the fork that tunes the entire universe.
The Resonance of Being
The Sonoric Sanctum is a powerful reminder of our ability to achieve high degrees of personal attunement, if we allow the healing powers of sound to take us with it. It is a portal to our inner awareness through the sensations of the body. As you leave this domain, you may carry with you an understanding that your inner resonance is something that can always be re-tuned, re-tooled, and forged anew. Goddess Sonarayas would remind us that sound is vibration, and is the source of all that is manifest.
As an attuned individual yourself, you may come to know Z’s music as you explore various parts of the Matriarx website. You can also visit the central registry of all Matriarx music by visiting the Sonoric Sanctum Studio.