[So-nah-ray-iss]: At the seed of physical existence, is vibration. The impulses, that stem forth from the unseen universe, assemble to emit harmonic structures that make up our daily experiences. While moments before, they may not have been apparent to anyone, these frequencies of atomic structure take unique shapes that introduce to us, the very pillars of tangible experience. Yet, at their source, they begin as subtle projections, from the gentlest of intentions. Sonarayas is finely tuned to her thoughts, her movements, and the power of her voice. She is the serenade, that eased the cosmos into the visible universe we see today. Keenly aware of her emotional reality as integral to her influence in the vastness of the Cosmic Weave, she calls upon you today to ask yourself: “Do you know the truth of your effect within yourself, and onto the universe at large?”. If you have tuned into her today, know that you have an opportunity to embrace the power of your voice (both inner and outer), and any tools you might deliberately use to project your unique song (your ‘vibe’) into the world around you.
More about Her:
Goddess Grid: C9
Family: Matriarx
StarQueen Daughters: On the Way
Sisters: Myceliana, Thalassia, Antekythiera
Sanctuaries: Sonoric Sanctum
Gemstone: Moonstone
Frequency: ~1000Thz
Attunement: Goddess Frequency Tuner
Sonarayas invites you to:
Take the opportunity to deliberately use your voice, in conversation, in song and more.
Know that your voice is also commanding an energy and vibration, which draws compatible forces to you.
Allow your body to open up to the healing powers of sound, especially music.
Pay attention to the sonic situations you find yourself in; what type of sounds are you frequently exposing yourself to? Sound can heal but also disrupt, depending on your orientation to it.
In your life situations (and when making decisions), listen for what resonates with your inner-being; something that is compatible and opportune, will have a clear and harmonic feeling when you expose yourself to it.
Practice a deep and attentive focus on what you are engaged with. When you can match the frequency of its greatest aspects, you will be tuned in for a meaningful experience.