“If not for the forces of connection, why in the universe would we bother to hang around like this?” ~ SQ Tawnie
[Taw-nee]: In a crowded party of astral beings, Tawnie is constantly looking for the one who is sitting quietly, with an open heart, waiting for an opportunity to personally connect. With this StarQueen, little time is wasted with logistics, or technical talk about the inner-workings of the Cosmic Weave. She gravitates to the quietly assuring comfort of the connection that binds all living beings. Quick to remind anyone that the literal glue of existence is about the interrelatedness of all its elements, her focus is on love, compassion, and understanding. It’s why she is drawn especially to the animal queendom; most animalistic beings are strongly rooted in their intrinsic connection with all-that-is. They are often incapable of leaving this state of being, even if they wanted to. The genuine, honest, and deliberate way in which she interacts with them comes from her knowing that, at the foundation of all living creations, is a type of universal love that keeps the energies of the cosmos alive and vibrant. Though she is among the youngest of the StarQueen Goddesses, she has a motherly instinct that is strong, nurturing, and protective. Tawnie is aware that the beauty, and preciousness of this cosmic connection, is indeed, what maintains its joyful, and eternal song. If she’s snuggled up with you today, there is a more basic, and honest form of intimate connection available to you now, if you simply allow it.
Goddess Grid: i17
Family: StarQueens
Sisters: Karissa
Daughter of: Aexkalia
Masteress of: Connection
Goddess Vibe: Affectionate & Open
Wavelength ~792nm (blend) ⬤ Truest Heart
Tawnie invites you to:
Find yourself in scenarios where you can safely be vulnerable, and real.
Open up to new connections with others.
Pay attention to the animal queendom, and their attempts to communicate with you.
Understand that there are more languages, then the spoken word, there are many modalities through which living beings can communicate with you.
Recognize the value is being physically present with those close to you, wherever possible.
Reach out and pay attention to those who would benefit from your care.