[Ay-tree-ah]: Verdance connects all living things under the ceiling of this nurturing force. None are without the mosses, roots, and sprouting wonders in this feral elegance. In her resilience, she fecundly embodies the spirit of renewal, vitality and endless abundance. This goddess of fertility reminds us that life pervades our universe; from the ground and beyond the tree tops, we can rest assured that no matter what, life is happening. She is a reminder that the forces of nature are primed and eager to pervade reality with the most beautiful of organic creations. If Atria has flourished into your experience, you may want to consider spending more time outside, in the wild; connecting with the natural world from where your body has emerged.
More about Her:
Goddess Grid: i53
Family: Matriarx
Starqueen Daughters: On the Way
Gemstone: Green Tourmaline
Frequency: ~522THz
Atria invites you to:
View life as an organic whole, a living, breathing body.
Recognize yourself as being part of a luscious reality of beauty and enthusiasm.
To be mindful of your ability to create.
To take time with the natural world and to observe the genius in the patterns, colours, and cycles it produces.
That our natural state is untamed and prolific.