Matriarx Goddesses
As the primary Aeonic energies of the ether, the Matriarx Goddesses are the mothers of cosmic manifestation. Each a mastress of her domain, she gives birth to the beauty of her StarQueen daughters, who are divinely-inspired expressions of this matronly creative force. They invite you to engage with life from your emotional perspective and to sense the overarching themes of their influence, in both your inner and outer worlds.
Adamentia: Goddess of Equanimity
Aexkalia: Goddess of Love & Openness
Algeah: Goddess of Transitions
Antekythiera: Goddess of Galactic Genius
Arkaceous: Goddess of Self-Awareness
Artemyxis: Goddess of Cosmic Communication
Ashaya: Goddess of Wildfires
Atria: Goddess of Fertility & New Life
Austentatia: Goddess of Adoration
Cryopeia: Goddess of Death & Preservation
Equinaria: Goddess of Changing Winds
Jazmyelle: Goddess of Dreams
Kanaveya: Goddess of Awakenings
Malkeshia: Goddess of Strength & Creativity
Myceliana: Goddess of Intrinsic Connection
Nauciella: Goddess of Grace & Guidance
Nyraezielle: Goddess of Human Ingenuity
Parazneus: Goddess of Dimensional Doorways
Psychlonyx: Goddess of Concentric Cycles
Siellinux: Goddess of Corporeal Mastery
Sonarayas: Goddess of Sonic Synthesis
Tempestia: Goddess of Rains
Thalassia: Goddess of the Deep
Xypaetia: Goddess of Mystic Revelation
Zoetrishyel: Goddess of Authentic Expression
The Matriarx Mothers can be found nested within their colourful Realms. You will be able to spot their unique signets which symbolize their life themes, the Elemental Arcs. The meaning of these Arcs can be viewed by InnerRealms members.