[Ka-na-veh-ah]: From behind the veil of consciousness, we project energy outward into the material world; the goddess of awareness presides in this place, ever-present and watching from behind the scenes. Holding truths often dormant within us, she is piercing yet compassionate. She insists that we explore beyond the subject of our awareness and allow the shapeless and undefined nature of our spirit to speak out. As we open up to her, she nurtures us to see beyond normal levels of comprehension, opening an entirely new way of existing. If Kanaveya has appeared to you, be prepared to journey beyond the confines of common experience; the cosmos is made up of elements and realities you could have never imagined.
More about Her:
Goddess Grid: B12
Family: Matriarx
StarQueen Daughters: Namania
Gemstone: Idocrase
Age: ~421 Million Years
Frequency: ~560THz
Kanaveya invites you to:
Look beyond the scope of your conventional understanding.
Consider that there is a deeper part of you that is always observing, making decisions and identifying preferences.
Go easy on yourself when difficult truths are presented to you.
Recognize that at any time, there are larger forces at play in your life.
Know that there are many ways to look at things and that you do not have to subscribe to a single viewpoint of anything.