Glenora’s Cabin
Keeper of Sage Scriptures
About this Sanctuary:
[Glen-or-ah’s Cabin]
Goddess Grid: H12 (Arkaceous)
Location: Med. Blue Terra “Arkacia”
Stories & Lore: △ Celestial Codex
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Audio Experience (below)
Resident Goddess: Glenora (Zenigma Family)
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A Simple, Yet Magical Home
In the massive expanse of the Goddess Grid, there are infinitesimal dwellings that would boggle the corporeal mind. From the vaulted ceilings of the Temple of Ethid, to the mesmerizing realm of the Sonoric Sanctum, the majestic and aesthetic nature of these Sanctuaries are palpable. There are corners of the universe, however, where the most mysterious, and meaningful experiences present themselves in the humblest of fashions. Sitting atop a mountain, near a captivating natural valley on the forest planet Arkacia, is a charming little cabin, that appears to be right out of a storybook. It was built by the area’s country folk, who have a passion for found materials, combined with a robust and rudimentary building sensibility. Modest, yet aesthetically pleasing, it has stood the test of time in its 188 years of service, so far. Nestled amidst lush red-leafed trees, it continues to provide a cozy dwelling for one of the most prominent members born to the Galactic Weave.
An Ancient Wisdom
Inside, you will find an elderly woman, in human form. With prominent signs of age, she emanates a curiously vibrant essence. Her enigmatic aura maintains a sharp, yet warm and reassuring wit. Behind a pair of glimmering eyes, is a story worth telling.
The Story of the Goddess Within
Goddess of Lore
There once was a Matriarx Goddess named Khodeces, pronounced "Code-ess-eez". As the Goddess of Lore, she assisted her sister Myceliana in creating many of the energetic pathways which formulated the physical universe. In the early days, it was thought that the domain of the Goddesses would forever be to hold space in the timeless, ethereal vastness of potential. There, they could make sure that the fabric of the Cosmic Weave would stay intact for all who dwell within it. And, while this still holds true today, there were some unexpected developments. One of these, was a surprisingly unique proposal set out by Khodeces to her cosmic sisters. Once physical life throughout the Grid had a chance to gain some momentum, she called for a gathering of her Goddess siblings from realms far and near. She shared, with them, an inspired vision to transform herself into a being of flesh and blood. She explained that while they are all-seeing, a certain perspective would be missing from the Goddess consciousness, if none of them were to experience life through the eyes of a body, and mind. Furthermore, she postulated that there, may in fact, be as many (if not more) experiences to be had from the corporeal perspective than that of the high heavens.
A Radical Proposal
While the notion baffled some, there was an over arching feeling that her perspective rang true on a deep level. What troubled a few of her sisters, however, was that none of them could imagine how she would be able to shape-shift back into her full Goddessence, once she had transitioned into the physical format. Using her powers to enter into a bodily form would be easy enough. However, the container of the proposed figure, would lack the capacity to handle the full breadth of the Goddess’ energies, preventing any possible return to her original form. For a common physical being, death allows the re-emergence into their complete potential, which awaits them in the higher planes of existence. Though, for Khodeces, it would be a direct transformation of her Aeonic faculties into the material form, effectively baking her overarching essence into a focused, and limited countenance. Her sisters, agreed they would be remiss to assist her should she want to return to her original form, since each of the Matriarx Goddesses have distinct frequencies, which are uniquely codified, and ingrained within their essence.
A Risky Choice, with Lasting Benefits
Khodeces understood the implication, yet, she felt a deep compassion for the beings of the physical universe, and the challenges they sometimes face. She sensed that if one of the Goddesses were to be there to truly understand, helping to heal their wounds through empathy, affirmation and compassion, then it would be well worth doing. This would also, by proxy, add this experience to the awareness of the Matriarx and StarQueens themselves. Furthermore, she had a deep desire to expand her consciousness, by blending who she was in the Cosmic sense, with the more focused, and subjective experience of physicality.
A Path to Follow
It was through this act of sacrifice, and sheer bravery that (with the blessing of her sisters) she proceeded. As she compressed the magnitude of her glorious power, she transformed her experience, knowledge, and wisdom into a fully manifested physical body. She began first as a young human woman, naming herself Glenora, which she felt was a fitting name for her physical representation. Her aging timeline, however, was very slow; much longer than that of regular physical beings. This gave her time to have myriad experiences, from many perspectives and places. Over time, there remained almost nothing she could not relate to (especially from the female vantage point).
Living to the Fullest
Glenora has passed through what many describe as the 4 archetypes of femininity, the Maiden, Mother, Wild Woman, and Wise Woman (or Crone). She has embodied the full breadth of who she is, taking in, and synthesizing, countless experiences and understandings from this singular point of consciousness. She sits, now in a place of true wisdom, and genuine beingness. This has led back to her original purpose as a Goddess, which is to share what she has observed, through the universal medium of story, and lore. She has since spent countless hours journaling about her experiences, most prominently within a tome she continues to build upon. This developing literary work includes stories of her sisters’ activities throughout the eons of the Cosmic Weave. When she relates her tales to listeners, they seem to glean a certain understanding they find to be unusually insightful. This, combined with her formidable capacity to listen, relate, and respond in kind, has made her famous among the seekers who are drawn to the wisdom of age.
An Authentic Experience
Making your way to her is easy enough if you know where to look. She finds it peculiar, however, that she doesn't have a lineup outside her door, especially given the considerable (and wonderfully traditional) quality of her baking; her visitors know that these treats are among the most potent medicines she offers! Quietly setting up a table outside, she prepares tea gathered from the herbs in her garden. This is a custom-made elixir intuitively concocted to set the mind, body, and spirit of her guest at ease. She sits them outside, allowing them a bit of time to find their own inner tranquility before she emerges to join them for a chat with her freshly baked pie. Glenora is adamant that nature’s sweetness is all that’s needed to satiate even the most ravenous spirit. Her ingredients are 100% natural, and sweetened only with love. Those who seek the council of this well-seasoned, eternal elder are mindful not to speak too openly about her and her furry companion (mentioned below). This is because they truly appreciate the precious, quaint, and sacred nature of this modest, yet enriching experience.
The Celestial Codex
The most prominent of her works, (mentioned earlier) is a tome Glenora has built upon throughout her entire physical existence. This book is not only imbued with story, lore, and the wisdom of the Matriarx. Its magical essence is the energy of her spirit, translated into written form. Imagine a stream of energy pouring out from the wellspring of her spirit, channelled through the tip of her quill, and onto the material form of paper. It’s an accurate way of understanding the nature of this esoteric compilation. This medicinal book of tales explores profound truths of life as it retells stories originating from various points in the Galactic Thread (which is the past, present, and future of all that is). Recently, Glenora has decided to begin sharing pages from this book with those who have eyes and ears for the more profound truths of life.
A Solitary Existence, with Company
Glenora loves her peaceful routine of writing, tending to her gardens, and listening to the sounds of crickets at night as she scribes over a cup of hot tea. Though, she finds that over time, it's best to have a bit of companionship. One day, a young man dropped in at the recommendation of a friend, for some important life advice. Upon completing their visit, he felt deeply fulfilled, and compelled to offer her something, in return. It came out that, he had a bit of a side hustle connecting individuals throughout the Grid with special animal companions. These were often rescued creatures who needed a home. It so happened, he had come upon a rare gem from Earth, who had not yet found adoption. He opted to care for it until the right companion appeared. Fuuji, is a Japanese Red Panda of particular character. His name, (inspired by the largest mountain in Japan) was given to him to symbolize the idea, that big energies can fit into the smallest and most vulnerable of bodies. At birth, he was separated from his mother in the wild, yet managed to survive on his own by relying solely on his untrained instincts. Thus, Fuuji epitomizes the idea that inner strength and power, can blossom in the outer world through a combination of tenacity, and grace. Apart from the adorable nature of this animal, Glenora found Fuuji's theme to be something she could relate to, and truly appreciate. Once introduced, there was an instant, natural comfort and understanding between the two of them.
They both appreciate their solitude, yet have an intermittent need to be near one another. Fuuji, is quite affectionate, which brings Glenora comfort, especially as the colder season approaches. As she writes her manuscripts, her pint-sized friend takes great interest in the sounds of her quill scraping its ink on the sheets of paper. As she lets the ink dry, she's often noticed him scanning sequentially through the writings. It seems that, perhaps, this furry mammal has an intuitive sense of what he's looking at. When visitors sit with her, Fuuji is often caught staring intently at them, almost as though to be reading their very character. As such, she has come to trust his judgment. A miniature house is perched in the yard, and labelled as his private quarters for those times when he needs to retreat from the energies of others.
A Continuing Story of Life
Glenora and Fuuji work together, bringing to light the most sacred understandings of the Cosmic Weave, into the written form. As you take time in your life to seek the deeper truths of your existence, remember that, somewhere out there, you have two compatriots working peacefully and diligently to uncover these nuggets of wisdom. These understandings can withstand the test of time. It is a reminder, that even though you, yourself, may not have the time or energy needed to ponder the depths of reality: you needn't feel lost. The work done by others you are connected to, especially those with true life experience, can help you greatly at any stage of your life, adding a richness to your reality that could have otherwise taken eons to achieve yourself.
By tuning into her stories, Glenora offers you an open book to her most insightful understandings through the stories she relates in the Celestial Codex. If you venture to become a subscriber of the InnerRealms, you will have ready access to this tome of wisdom, as more, and more pages are revealed.