Temple of Ethid
Sanctuary of Sacred Dreams
About this Temple:
Prounounced [ee-thid] or [eth-id]
Goddess Grid: F9 (Jazmyelle)
Located: Dwarf Green Planet “Dreiya”
Neighbour to: The Halls of Arcahn
Frequented by: Jazmyelle, Zoetrishyel, Siellinux, Esmeralda, Phoebe
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A Sanctuary of Sacred Dreams
If a terrestrial experience can indeed reflect the heavens, then this would surely be the place. The Temple of Ethid sits among the stars, as a manifested truth of this very notion. Situated on a dwarf planet in the Jazmyelle cluster, it is a wondrous, hidden gem of the galaxy. Those who know about it, visit often. All souls require solace so that they may allow, and lend credence to their inner-voice: the creative flame of who they are. When we witness an elegant pairing of the natural world, and the talented creations of its dwellers, there is a sense of touching heaven; we can perceive the vastness of the cosmos, and the intimacy of our locality, all at once. This sanctuary exists to allow beings of all kinds to revel, and relax into a sense of wonder, as they seek various forms of healing, and alignment with their source, whatever it may be.
Temples like these also serve as a meeting place for the Matriarx mothers, and their manifested daughters, the StarQueens. It is here, where their energies reach out to mingle and consort about matters of cosmic scope. However, it’s not always a serious discussion; they often mingle in the way that humans may enjoy High Tea with friends, laughing and telling stories. Many visitors notice the faint sound of music echoing through the arches, symphonies conducted by maestros hailing from every point in the galaxy.
The building is constructed almost entirely from materials from within its local vicinity. Upon its inception, sites were made to process the raw materials needed to assemble the structure. It was designed by its dreamers to pay homage to a classic style of architecture, with the added benefit of superior longevity. An amalgamation of various elements have been combined for its base materials, including the artfully coloured windows. They are self-healing, and expected to last indefinitely with minimal intervention.
Beings from different points in space come to visit this place. Some alone, others with a group to perform a ritual, or simply to soak up the bliss that permeates its elegant architecture. As they linger around the indoor garden, breathing in the scent of the flowers under the massive vaulted ceilings, it leaves an impression. It is a passing breeze of blended consciousness that is ever-flowing, transforming from one moment to the next. Many say that when they close their eyes under the stain glass filtered daylight, they slip into an inspired daydream. Like sunsets, one can never know what they will witness in this temple of dreams; nor, could they expect to see one quite like it, again.
If you venture beyond the curated lands, to the temple’s backcountry, a curious experience awaits…