
This section displays some additional forms of my artwork that I am (or have been) engaged with.


A realist experience of beauty in the spectacle of nature.

My landscape photography is captured in the wild and minimally adjusted. Our reality is decorated with living masterpieces; taking note of the gallery every so often is essential. I have made a life centred around being available to moments of magic. When I capture something, it's because a scene has called out to me, something quiet but resounding. This harmony, for me, encapsulates the meaning of life. My approach is to offer the closest representation of the scene I witnessed, just as it appeared. In my view, the magic of nature is plenty on its own.

Wholesome Sexy

A playful perspective of feminine sexual expression.

Sex-positive portrayals of the integrated feminine: An unbridled force of nature and fantasy. Drawn with pencil on watercolour paper and then scanned & coloured digitally: To behold a woman's figure revealed can inspire awe, captivation, passion, and even comfort. The body/self-images of women have faced a lot of distortion in culture, but most women want to be valued, respected, and revered. These artworks are my portrayal of healthy and sexually integrated feminine individuals.

Modern Gods

A bridge between past and present mythos.

Digital re-works of classical artworks: When we connect the gods of today with those of the past, a doorway opens. Modern Gods is a collection of digital re-works incorporating classic art pieces and modern-day figures of worship. The new items I introduce to the scene are taken from photos or painted digitally. In either case, I spend a fair amount of time stylizing the imagery to fit it seamlessly into the overall artwork.

Seedie & Teddy

A photographic journey of two mice that are loving life.

The photographic adventures of two felt-spun mice that can't get enough of life. I started doing this to connect with my nephew and niece, who live far from me. They named the mice, and now I catalogue their adventures with photos :)

Sensual Minimal

A delicate exploration of the feminine figure, Acrylic, ink, pencil or digital brush: Forms are messages decoded in our minds. The meanings are subjective, yet they shape our reality. These are works from my "Gaudesse" collection. When I had less time to do full-fledged colour drawings, I started thinking about the elemental energies I engage with when drawing female subjects. The result was an artwork that revolved more around the simple pleasures of what makes the feminine form feminine.

Pidgin Quixote

The humorous & often insightful expressions of Pidgin Quixote, digital vector artwork: A magical pigeon appeared one day and reminded us to lighten up a bit.


Sometimes, I need to break out of the mould of my practiced work and just do something random and fun. Below is a sampler of pieces I just had to put on my site ^_^