[See-el-in-ux]: There are times when we wonder about the nature of our bodies, its capabilities, functions and complex character. To some, the body is a stranger, and to others, a close friend. This goddess of somatic synthesis recognizes that her relationship with her body is as inseparable as the moon is from the sun. Appreciating its genius, her body responds freely and with full cooperation to her every whim as she massages, moulds and nurtures it to its maximum potential. Siellinux understands that the body is a vessel for consciousness, a divine channel through which we live and influence existence; it is cutting-edge spiritual technology, a human expression of divinity. If she has come to you today, it's time to recognize the utter magnificence of your form. And to know that to the degree you can identify and connect with it as the blended being you are, you may come to fully express yourself with true strength and radiance.
More about Her:
Goddess Grid: G31
Family: Matriarx
Sisters: Nyraezielle, Psychlonyx, Thalassia
Gemstone: Tiger’s Eye
Age: ~33 Septillion Years
Frequency: ~482THz
Insights: △ Inuxious Charts
Siellinux invites you to:
Love your body, whatever your shape.
Learn to communicate with your body; it has a language, and amazing things can happen if you learn to listen.
Revere your physique as the magnificent lens through which you experience physical reality; you would be nothing without it.
Engage in physical activities that celebrate your strength, agility, fitness, and prowess such as outdoor activities, sports, working out, and whatever else makes you feel great in your skin!
Take time to care for yourself and your body -give yourself the nurturing you want to receive.
Cultivate a sense of awe for your body’s ability to intelligently respond to its environment, and to everything you ask of it!
Recognize that, as a team, you can develop a powerful alliance of mind, body & spirit.