[S’eye-clon-iks]: There is no mincing of words where this goddess is concerned. All must yield to one of the most powerful patterns of the cosmos: the path of the circle. In this material universe, there is always an ebb and a flow, a coming and going, a dawn and a dusk. Weaving itself as a concentric, inter-related design, it is bound together and playing upon itself. As a magnificent symphony, of which we are a part, it pays homage to a harmonic dance: a whirling rhythm that guides the orbit of planets, the spinning of galaxies, even the implosion, and explosion of stars. And, as vast as it is, it also occupies the tiniest of spaces, all the way down to the blood flowing in living creatures. Psychlonyx sits in the centre of it all, serenely one with this spiralling truth of all-that-is. She oversees the beginning, and ending of everything. If she's come to you today, it's time to recognize the nature of the reality you live in, which includes your inner-nature. You must embrace this sacred pattern that leads you in and out, up and down, from death to renewal, and winning to losing. If you can position yourself within her sphere, you may come to joyfully (and wisely) observe each cycle as a ride upon an infinite, golden carousel of experience.
More about Her:
Goddess Grid: C24
Family: Matriarx
StarQueen Daughters: Farrah
Gemstone: Mystic Quartz
Age: ~11 Quattuodecillion
Frequency: ~460THz
Psychlonyx invites you to:
Appreciate the ride of life.
Observe, and harmonize with the natural cycles of your body - from activity, to restfulness. intensity, to calm, and so forth.
Recognize that all things end, only to begin anew once again.
Spend time in stillness, so that you can willfully engage with your experiences in a meaningful way.
Take each thing you learn as its own golden nugget, and anticipate its use in future stages of life.