Haven of Hearts
Temple of the Interwoven Spirit
About this Sanctuary:
Haven of Hearts [Havin of Hartz]
Goddess Grid: C45 (Aexkalia)
Location: Oreliah (Medium Green Terra)
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The Galactic Matriarx loves its supporters. If you feel an affinity with this sanctuary, you may become a Venerable Guest of this Sanctuary by subscribing to the InnerRealms.
A Refuge Like No Other
There are few in the universe who would deny that the force of love is central to the experience of most living beings. Without limitation of range, magnitude, depth or power, it yields to none, and conquers all.
Nestled in the seat of the Realm of Aexkalia, is a place which many wait lifetimes to experience. In its opulant, sultry elegance, the Haven of Hearts is a destination for all who seek their truest, most blissful inner repose and rejuvenation of the spirit. It is a place where excitement, and finding one’s soul urge for connection, may truly be satiated. Beings throughout the Goddess Grid refer to it as the heart of the Cosmic Weave itself. If you have heard of the expression ‘bosom friend’, this is where it has most certainly originated.
This Sanctuary of love, connection, sensuality, and authenticity takes the interrelation of beings to a whole other dimension. From realms far and wide, visitors who seek to discover (and re-discover) their own intrinsic connection with self, and others, seek asylum in its welcoming embrace. From candid conversation, to the deepest throes of romance, this Sanctuary exists to make real, the most beautiful, and meaningful of personal connections, whatever they may be.
Uniquely Positioned
Situated on the planet Oreliah, the Haven of Hearts is graced by the constellations of Karissa, and Tawnie who act as proverbial bookends for the provocative stories enacted in this cosmic queendom of intimacy. As you walk into its plush, and gilded structure, you may have the impression of an inside-out hotel, with many of its quarters positioned conspicuously in a shared, open-concept space. The overwhelming sense of welcome as one enters the lobby, has an almost hypnotic effect. Arrivals are often pulled into a blissful nap, by its cozy and supremely comforting furniture, before moving along to explore the rest of its wonders.
The Hearts Trio
(Above from left to right): Farifhym, Haraxia & Bassahl
When you hear the title ‘Hearts Trio’, you might have the impression of a jazz band, although that would not be far from the truth. This sacred space is owned, operated, and beautifully hosted by three of the most harmoniously revered individuals in Aexkalia’s collection of planets. Haraxia, Farifhym and Bassahl share a truly inspirational, and visionary relationship. Generational natives to this area, they have made it their life’s work to offer up the best of what this land, its resources and dimensional energies have to offer.
It is said, that when they stand in concert with each other (whether to plan one of their Ceremonies of Transparency, or simply engaged in conversation), they appear to be looking each other in the eye simultaneously. Which is to say that each of them is somehow looking deep into the eyes of the other two, at the same time. As guests challenge each other to do the same, laughter ensues, as various silly expressions are made in their attempts. It becomes obvious that there is something special about these three, and many seek to understand what it is that enables this otherworldly ability.
The Hearts Trio, host various events, and what they call ‘playshops’ to help wrangle the innate abilities nested within each of their guests to reach out, and truly touch another. This, of course, begins with understanding and fully embracing one’s inner-self.
Haraxia (pronounced ‘Ha-racks-ee-ah’) is a warrior princess from the territories of Ghinn’ylee. As a young girl, she took interest in the matters of her father’s empire, which spans an eighth of the planet’s surface. During his reign, many attempts were made to snatch resources from his lands, in oftentimes threatening manners. As his unofficial advisor, Haraxia demonstrated a prodigious aptitude for a logical, yet fluid type of thinking which brought about ingenious plans that baffled their foes. Though, she was thoroughly trained in various types of combat from early on, the princess always sought to help her father devise peaceful, yet effective solutions with their cosmic and terrestrial neighbours. As she matured, a type of edge appeared in her style of negotiation. This involved a ‘settling of the score’ built into her resolutions which included a poignant message, or lesson for all involved. This garnered a great deal of political attention from neighbouring clusters, and along with it, some curious suitors seeking to align themselves with her power.
It didn’t take long, however, for Haraxia to grow tired of the games of politics, and war; she felt a calling that would take her to a different arena. Conveniently, it did when her long-lost brother was freed of his incarceration after being abducted by pirates, and held captive by a political opponent. He was finally able to accept his role in taking up his father’s mantle, which permitted Haraxia to pursue her destiny.
Not long after, Bassahl (‘Bass-all’) entered her life. A quirky, feisty, yet beautifully gentle soul, she exhibited an immediate sister-like quality. The daughter of a blacksmith, and a seamstress, she was no stranger to creative expression. Though, often conservative with her words, she didn’t hold back when it comes to body language, and a tactile approach to communication. She had a particular passion for interior design, and architecture, especially as it pertains to the psycho-spiritual effects their designs have on visitors.
Farifhym (‘Fair-if-him’), found the two of them one day while on leave from the Royal Army. He commanded a small unit on the southern border who had, numerous times, been tasked to enforce their boundaries when matters got out of hand. Tough as iron, yet with a soft heart, he made an exemplary commander who prioritized the lives of his warriors, while always managing to honour the king’s will. One day, he spotted Bassahl & Haraxia in the marketplace, where he loved to find some of his favourite delicacies. He was shopping for supplies for one of his lounge parties, which he liked to put on for friends during his times off-duty. The two young women were giggling, amused by some strangely shaped fruits which had been imported that week from a neighbouring system. Charmed, and curious, he approached the two of them. They respected his gentlemanly manner, with just a subtle glimmer of mischief in his eyes. Of course, he invited them to his gathering…
A few years later, they had devised a plan to erect a structure (with the king’s support) which could serve as a venue to host (and to woo) intergalactic guests and locals alike to a space where they could truly feel at home. With Farifhym’s service behind him after a changing of the guard, Bassahl, ready for a creative project, and Haraxia keen to apply her strategic and social senses, they set about making something truly unusual, and wildly successful.
A Buffet of Experience
Entering the main space, visitors are greeted by a friendly, albeit, stately cocktail club environment which includes a mixture of bar seating, sofas, and relaxed lighting. Surrounding them, is plenty of floor space for those who wish to start moving their bodies to the sounds of its peculiar musical selection. Venerable guests may notice special recordings by Maestro Z, of the Sonarayas Realm; designed to entice both conversation, as well as movement. It sets an electrifying, yet sophisticated conversational tone for all.
The Cozy Cabinet
First timers are tickled pink when they find out there is a special closet where the most comfortable (and luxurious) of adornments are available to them as part of their stay. From fine silks, cashmeres and other mysteriously lavish fabrics from across the Weave, there is something for everyone. Some prefer to pick out a relaxed gown, with a long trailing tail, while others, something more functional, and minimalist such as a Kimono. Each of the garments have been crafted by passionate artisans from different points in space. These masters of needle and thread are paid handsomely by the Trio, to offer a piece of their universe, in hopes that the souls that don their exquisite creations feel right at home. Their work serves as a type of portal to a comfort, which the wearer may have otherwise never known.
Guests of lower means, are particularly elated when they discover the opportunity to drape their figure with something so stately, and elegant. Many have broken into tears from what seems to be such a given to others. It is a reminder for long-time patrons, of the effect that a simple kindness can have on an individual who is open to receiving it. It is part of the spiritual medicine that the Haven of Hearts has to offer: allowing individuals the dignity and respect needed for their spirit to flourish.
Many return to the closet frequently, to trade in their choices for something new, and more appropriate for an upcoming event scheduled for the coming evening. The linens staff are meticulous, and ensure that each garment is spotless, and in the best of conditions before anyone is permitted to touch them.
The Hotel & Its Guests
Moving along to the accommodations, are a series of spaces containing a cluster of semi-private suites, in the form of large lounge-style beds surrounded by veiled curtains. In other areas, crescent-shaped couches, which line the parameter, make space in the middle of the circular room for shows of talent and artistic expression. Poetry readings, singing, expressive dance, or games which allow guests to open up and get to share a bit of themselves, are all perfect activities in these spaces.
The mood, is generally very receptive and often affectionate. As such, visitors are encouraged not to be shy, and to warm up to their favourite friends, and extend a welcoming hand to newcomers to help break the ice. Some spaces have cushioned platforms of various heights to help with a change in conversational perspective, a bit of privacy, or to lend a people-watching advantage for the curious. While initially, there may be a perception of expectation to get up close and personal, newcomers quickly come to understand that it’s not the case. There are also many areas in this haven which keep a cool and casual tone, for those who strictly favour clever banter and a meeting of the minds, perhaps over a cocktail or two. Ultimately, everyone finds their comfort zone and comes to feel right at home in a relatively short time.
Conversations vary from deeply intimate, all the way to the light and comical. Part of what makes the spaces so delightful, is the sheer variety of souls who mingle with each other here. There is no personality or style left unexpressed, or held back once the momentum of the Haven reaches its stride.
The Purification Chambers
Central to most cultures across the cosmos, is the ritual of cleansing, and caring for one’s physical form. At the Haven of Hearts, it represents an opportunity to reset, reflect, and refresh from past experiences, and ready oneself for new adventures to come. For many, it is an opportunity to mingle with others as they focus on the soothing effects of water, steam, and heat. With a steam bath area in the middle of these spaces, and semi-private showers around the perimeter, it is a therapeutic environment with a touch of candid socializing, and an air of honesty, openness, and acceptance.
For those preferring their privacy, fully enclosed showers are available in their personal suites. Although, these guests do often find it titillating knowing there is a more ‘exposed’ option just around the corner, should they fancy a try.
The mineral-rich waters of this facility are channelled from springs of the Pahlangã mountain range, and are always on tap. Its healing and rejuvenating benefits are well known. For many, this is in itself a strong reason for visiting.
Part of the intrigue surrounding the Haven of Hearts, is the thematic presence of a mythical beast named Mishimi (pronounced ‘Mee-Shee-Mee’). With its roots in ancient Orelian culture, what appears to be a combination of a cat, unicorn, horse, and dragon has become a powerful totem for this Sanctuary. For those who are interested in the deep work of intimacy, and outer expression, Haraxia holds playshop sessions which introduce concepts surrounding its meaning, and even some embodiment exercises. Mishimi is known to represent “M’ulkchek ‘i ‘b’ehk”, which translates roughly to “The Fierce Love”. Individuals who seem to be notably pronounced with their expression of presence, and passion for others are said to have the force of Mishimi within them.
Truthfully, all are blessed with Mishimi’s ability for a voracious, and unhindered love from within their hearts: it is only a matter of finding new ways to allow it. Haraxia herself, feels a strong affinity to its spirit, such that she has adorned her upper chest with a tattoo of its iconic petroglyph image (discovered by her father’s early ancestors in the crystalline caves of Alroth).
Gilded statues depicting its mystical form are found at all entrances of the Haven, serving to call upon Mishimi’s essence, to provide a safe space in which visitors may explore their spiritual, emotional and sensual curiosities.
Opening Up…
It is well understood that the most potent portal to finding one’s strength, is to call upon Goddess Aexkalia’s capacity to open fully to their personal vulnerability. Ceremonies are held at the Sacred Alter, to help invite her powerful energies into the space where individuals can sink calmly, and without reservation, into the bosom of her spirit. Typically, it is Bassahl who will facilitate as priestess to call in this Goddess of Love & Openness. Bassahl’s stabilizing, yet, innocent charm and unintrusive nature causes even the most battle-weary of souls to soften, and melt into this gift.
While participation is always encouraged, there is never any pressure (or expectation) of involvement in any of the activities within the Haven. Haraxia, Bassahl & Ferifhym recognize that individuals have unique requirements, and are arriving from different perspectives in their life processes. Many benefit, simply by witnessing others, and occasionally are then compelled to be more involved. Others desire complete immersion, fully embracing the gaze of the Eye of Intimate Knowing.
The Eye of Intimate Knowing
One of the most notable processes, facilitated by Haraxia, is a simple, yet effective way to take notice of fundamental elements of one’s spirit. The goal of this process, is to help individuals understand how their basic orientation to life, differs from (or harmonizes with) that of others. In identifying the answers to 5 simple questions, participants come to understand who, and why they resonate with certain types of people. Once their answers are clear to them, Haraxia awards them with a pendant displaying one of the 32 uniquely coloured irises representing their particular type. These types also have names which are attributed to a life theme associated with one of the Matriarx, or Zenigma Goddesses. She then expands upon this by explaining a bit of what it indicates about them as individuals.
Participants who have completed this process and received their pendant, walk away with a sense of excitement, as they brandish this colourful conversation piece. They carry with them, the awareness that other visitors of the Haven might sooner identify their nature, sparking relevant and meaningful conversations.
Sipping on the Vibes
Farifhym has a unique contribution to this delightful space of refuge. Besides being head of the security detail, he has a strong musical talent, and an ability to play almost any instrument he lays his hands upon. When groups pour in, he delights in coordinating with the kitchen staff to prepare a sensual combination of taste, smell, and sound. Known for its legendary Chai mixture, the Haven of Hearts lays claim to the most heart-warming elixirs in the Aexkalia Realms. With a combination of herbs found in their local vicinity, and a few specialized imports, the Ix’kai beverage is designed to open the senses, mind, and heart with each successive sip. Farifhym calls it the ‘primer’ for his musical sharings.
In an exemplary display of posture, poise and strength, he sets up cross-legged on the floor with some cushions on the stage area of one of the various communal spaces. He invites everyone to come join him for a serenade with his instrument of choice, which he calls the ‘Heart String’: a guitar-like device which uses rose-coloured crystal cylinders to coil 10 composite alloy threads. The fretboard, bridge, and tailpiece are constructed of a rare petrified wood which resembles ancient ebony, from Earth. With a large hollowed out body, made from the shell of a massive native fruit species, it generates a sound which could be likened to raindrops in a suspended crystal bowl. As he introduces its frequencies, plucking the steel strings, their resonance compounds, increasing the harmonic range of the adjacent notes. The result, is what some describe as a rainbow of sound. Once this rainbow is in play, however, deciphering any particular tone comes to be nearly impossible. These interwoven waveforms are received by the body as a sort of fuzzy blanket of vibrational ecstasy.
The Hearts Etiquette
At the core of its culture, are the tenets which hold everything together. It is a short list of rules and guidelines which clearly outline what the Trio considers fostering a platform of mutual respect, safety, intimacy, and possibility. With these guidelines in place, guests feel confident to seek their new best friend, or even a fleeting love affair, without concern of disruption to their (or someone else’s) experience. This is a space for clear communication, deliberate intent, and mutual respect, where asking for permission, and expressing one’s desire for connection is met with dignity, and reverence. This is part of how the Haven of Hearts has gained such notoriety throughout the Realm, and beyond. Goddess Aexkalia would be quick to point out, that a rose grown in fertile soil, and allowed to breathe in its vicinity freely, is the one which will yield the greatest of beauty, aroma, and resilience. For at her core, is the understanding that the flower that comes to see its beauty, is capable not only of nurturing itself, but to blossom into the lives of all that gaze upon her.
The Emissaries of Love
Employed by the Trio, are some of their closest friends, whose life work is to provide a nurturing space for those souls who seek solace, and comfort in a less social scenario. These individuals may be dealing with any number of life challenges, from traumas, to simple loneliness, heart break, or an awkward social orientation. The work of the Emissary, is to help stoke the inner-flame of the individual in need, through affirmation and unconditional love. Their beautiful, elegant presence of appreciation, adoration, and nurturing power of affection, are inspired, and endorsed by the StarQueens Karissa, and Tawnie themselves. Recipients of this sophisticated and truly pure expression of love, come to feel uplifted, and truly supported, such that they can find a new vantage point in themselves. Often, it manifests as an entirely new experience of self-awareness and respect, lending them the sovereignty to build strong relationships with others confidently and with ease.
To Walk Away, As More
Though it is unique in its rite, The Haven of Hearts is but one of the myriad expressions of love in the universe. With its genial inner-workings, and the energies that flourish within, it offers a gift to everyone who passes through its golden doors. Goddess Aexkalia would ask you to take pause, and to realize that deep inside, is your very own temple of intimacy, love, acceptance, and bliss. When you nurture the inner-flame of who you are, and share your connection to the divine with others, know that Mishimi, and the Hearts Trio are with you, cheering you on to a greater, more sacred union with yourself and everyone in the community of life.
If you feel you would like to understand yourself to a greater degree by gaining insight into aspects if your nature, you may sign in to your InnerRealms Gateway. There, you will discover an interactive experience of Haraxia’s Eye of Intimate Knowing process. Goddess Aexkalia would like you to know that your capacity to find meaningful connection with yourself and others, is, at its core, a matter of personal love, respect, appreciation and creating the Haven of Hearts within your own Inner Realm.