[Jazz-me-el]: There is a point where our consciousness meets at two points of reality, where the manifested world connects to pure thought. In this liminal space, everything is a seed of possibility, a projection of concurrent forces. Jazmyelle meets us at the place where all our potential can merge into a lucid beam of focused thought, giving birth to new ideas in the cosmos. We may feel that our wishes, fears, desires, and hopes are insignificant against the vastness of everything, but the goddess of dreams knows otherwise. The dream informs us, guides, and serves as a conduit for conscious creation. Jazmyelle holds space for a deliberate dream process that could forever change your orientation to reality. If she’s manifested in your experience, it’s because you are standing at the intersection where your dreams can meet your waking life.
More about Her:
Goddess Grid: G8
Family: Matriarx
Sisters: Austentatia, Parazneus, Tempestia
Gemstone: Purple Jasper
Frequency: ~750Thz
Sanctuaries: Temple of Ethid, Halls of Arcahn
Stories & Lore: Celestial Codex △ InnerRealms
Jazmyelle invites you to:
Spend time daydreaming, napping and fantasizing and indulge in the beauty of your imagination.
Honour your sleep cycles, and create time for peaceful rejuvenation so that you may connect with your deeper cosmic energies.
Pay attention to your Dreamtime communications, and understand that, on a certain level, they reflect our conscious thoughts.
Make your dreams more tangible by writing down, drawing, speaking them aloud and digging into how they feel. Explore the idea that the manifested world starts first as a subtle impulse of energies and that we can engage with them.
Celebrate your ability to shape your own conscious experience by dreaming up new ways to perceive, and engage with reality.