[Noss-ee-el-ah]: Those brave enough to pass through the turbulent and ravaging storms of the open sea must face a type of danger that few understand. When everything goes dark, and death is almost inevitable, the iron will of a captain can get you far. Yet, faith that you will come out the other side is another matter. Nauciella appears when luck has run out, and any chance of survival seems extinguished. Her vast reach, sheer power and grace are so beautifully timed it assures one that the divine must exist. This goddess of grace appears in that liminal space between life and death, assuredness and chaos. She leads us through the narrow passage, allowing us to cheat death yet again, opening the renewed chance of possibility. If Nauciella has appeared to you in the clearing, rest assured that help is on the way; what seemed impossible moments ago can now dissipate, leaving a clear path to your destination.
More about Her:
Goddess Grid: G13
Family: Matriarx
StarQueen Daughters: On the Way
Gemstone: Fire Opal
Age: ~42 Billion Years
Frequency: ~425THz
Nauciella invites you to:
Have faith in your efforts, even if it seems ridiculous, risky or silly.
Understand that if you allow it, help can arrive in miraculous ways.
Know that even if it seems like there is no way out, there generally always is - but you must persist.
Be careful about your thoughts and actions, and do things that align with your goal, mission or situation.
Recognize your bravery, and don’t be afraid to tread where others would run away; this is where the best treasure can be found.